~ Eager to get started? Great! Before you head down to our local shops however, refresh yourself with Konami's entry-level courses below and download the Neuron Application! Ready to learn more? Duelists can scroll down to our Advanced Play section with Duel Etiquette, Key Phrases, Advanced Techniques and more to equip themselves with everything they need to prove yourself as a Duelist & compete to become the King (or Queen) of Games! ~

Pillar I
- It is Duelists' responsibility to relay accurate information at all times.
- All actions must be clearly stated, & Legal moves may not be retracted
- Duelists' must clearly articulate their Attempts / intent
- Duelists are expected to behave in a respectful, polite manner towards all tournament attendees; including other Duelists, judges, TO's & Spectators
- being polite & having respect includes asking before touching cards that do not belong to you - whether to read the card text or when assuming control of the card through a card effect

Pillar II
- Duelists are expected to be clean when entering an event. Neglecting to wash or put on clean clothes contributes to an unpleasant space as the day can be long and the venue can be crowded with Duelists
- Furthermore, Duelists are expected to maintain a clean board

Transport In Style
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~ Learn about Duelist Expectations & Duel Etiquette.

Key Phrases

~ Learn to identify different card types, Spell Speeds & Chain Link Resolution.

~ Learn how to properly relay relevant information regarding "Game State" & "Public Knowledge".

Tournament Infractions & Penalties

~ Following the rules will keep you from catching a Game Loss or worse! This section will help keep you in line!

Judge Assistance & Frequently Asked Judge Questions
~ Tournament staff always places the player first! We are always here to serve, learn how we can help!